Basically, I hated them.
Luckily, since then, I have come to appreciate their craziness and love them in spite of it.
At the time, however, I made a list of things I wanted to do, or not do as a parent, so as not to repeat their mistakes. I recently found that list, and found it amusing, as I am now, officially a parent (to the world's most adorable baby, might I add) thus, should be living up to it.
As a parent...
I will let my kids have sleepovers whenever they want.
Uh, with all of the creepy people in this world, I think I may have to renegotiate this particular promise. And whenever they want? That may be a little extreme. Lets just say, I will be more amenable to sleepovers than my parents were, but I will use my *wise* judgement.
I will always have good food at my house.
Hmm... I don't even have this right now, so I think this one was just wishful thinking.
I will be a part of my kids' lives.
I will let my kids go to public school and I will help them with their homework.
Being home schooled was awful and I definitely won't submit my poor children to that lifestyle. Having me as a teacher? No way. As far as helping with homework, we'll just have to see how quickly my brain cells start dying, now that I'm not in school anymore.
I will not raise my voice or yell and I will not tolerate anyone doing so. Everyone will talk in a civilized manner.
I hope I can live up to my side of the bargain on this one, although one thing I have learned since being a teen is that I cannot control other people (as much as I would like to sometimes!).
I will let my kids hang out with their friends and take them places.
I will have fun things to do at my house so no one is ever bored.
My kids better love board games, books, and building play forts as much as I do! None of this video game, Ipad, blu ray, crap...
I will scrapbook and save our pictures.
Although I am not the most crafty person ever, I definitely want my kids to have something tangible to look back on when they want to reminisce (or learn what they were like when they were too young to remember).
I will be a friend to my kids (someone they want to talk to).
I will have a nice, clean, home where you can feel the spirit.
I guess I need to step up my game! :-P I obviously did not have children when I wrote this... My house wasn't even clean before Miles was born!
I will buy my kids school stuff and clothes and everything they need.
I will be home when they need me.
Although I have never had the desire to be a full-time, stay-at-home mom, I've always wanted to be there for my kids when they need me. Recently, I surprised even myself, when I decided to avoid establishing my full-time career until after my baby's first year. With all that I've learned about attachment (in school, and through my own problems with it), I've decided that Miles needs me more now than he probably ever will. I may be overly paranoid that if I "leave" him to work, he will not form a secure attachment and will be screwed up the rest of his life, but I still feel like erring on the side of caution with this one. I still plan to work part time (hello people, I still need a -grown up- life!), but Miles will be my main focus for awhile.
I will trust my kids and let them do things.
I will involve them in sports, music, and other things.
I will have scripture study daily (at dinner).
I can't remember the last time I read my scriptures daily. Heck, I can't even remember the last time I read my scriptures! I'm still trying to figure out how much religion I want in my own life... I'm not sure that I'll ever really find making a rigid scripture study an important part of my life or my kids' lives. I do hope to nurture their spirituality and to allow them to make their own choices about religion rather than forcing them to "Choose The Right."
I will have good meals and healthy snacks at all times.
Lets be honest. I'll never be perfect at this one. However, I will still try. In addition, I want to be active with my kids. Say no to obesity, America!
I will take my kids to church and teach them the gospel.
Well seeing as how Miles's first time at church was on his two month birthday, I don't have the greatest track record in this domain. I hope to figure out my feelings about "the gospel" soon enough to articulate to my son what I believe (and don't believe) and why. Then he can make the choice about what he believes and why.
I will love my kids and help them and just be a good friend.
I will tell my kids bedtime stories (especially ones of when I was young).
Now this one is going to require a good memory (which I really don't have!) Missy, how about we get together and record all of our fun times so that we don't forget 'em?? :)
I will keep a journal for each of my kids and help them (when they are able) to keep their own.
Writing has always been important in my life. Through it I have found solace, and in looking back on things I have written in the past, I have found... well, humor, really. I've already started a journal for Miles about how adorable he is so that in future (ahem, teenage) moments when I want to scream and kill him, I can look back and realize I really do love him. Buahaha.
I will be the neighborhood mom who all of the kids love.
I already have the cool Kool-aid pitcher thing going for me.
My house will be open to all of my kids' friends.
I've considered letting homeless people live with me. I'm pretty sure I can tolerate Miles's future stinky, sweaty, playmates.
I will teach my children to serve and do service projects with them.
I will learn how to be a first aid person, so if anything happens to my kids I will be able to help them.
Does downloading this Pocket First Aid and CPR app count?
I will have computers and stuff that they can play on and do school stuff.
While it's obvious that we will have a computer, I'm not sure how much time I want my kids wasting away their time on it. Bring on the bike rides and camping trips!
I won't let them watch trash t.v. and teach them why not to, so they won't want to.
Looks like I need to reform my own bad habits if I am ever to teach my kids this one...
I will stay by my kids' sides when they are sick or hurt.
Well folks, there you have it. My parenting pledge. Can you think of anything else I could possibly add?
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