After all, this isn't your average "mommy blog."
It's probably not your average blog, period. But that's besides the point.
Anywho. Miles did something ridiculously awesome yesterday that I can't help but brag about....
Ok, so this is just an amazingly adorable picture and has nothing to do with the story that I'm about to tell you. I just couldn't resist... He's so damn cute!
It all started when when I was 12 years old. I became best friends with Lorelai and Rory and they have been in my life ever since.
If you don't believe me, you can see my previous post here about our tight bond.
They have been in Miles's life ever since he was born. Well, I guess if you want to be technical, he's known them since he entered my womb.
Let's face it, Miles was probably conceived with an episode on in the background. TMI? Sorry, I guess my blog has become my outlet for over-sharing.
Regardless. Brett and I have recently started watching Gilmore Girls every night before bed, usually while Miles is snuggling with me and nursing.
A couple days ago, we were watching and the main theme song came on. Miles perked up and started dancing to the music and getting all happy and clapping like a manic wind up monkey. Needless to say, it was
But the cuteness doesn't stop there...
Yesterday afternoon, I nursed Miles to sleep while we were laying in bed snuggling again. Before I had a chance to move him to his own bed so I could also enjoy some Sunday shut eye, Brett decided to put on an episode of Gilmore Girls.
The minute the theme song came on, Miles reached his hands out from under the covers and started clapping... in his sleep!!
It took me awhile to stop laughing.
I'm lucky to have such Gilmore Girls-loving boys in my life.
No doubt, I'm raising
This makes me incredibly happy. I need to find a Gilmore loving guy to have in my life. :-)