So it is almost one in the morning, my head is pounding and I almost fell asleep on the drive home from work so I'm going to keep this one short.
In the midst of all I am learning about race and minorities this semester, I had an interesting thought the other day. When we talked about Affirmative Action in one of my classes, there seemed to be a general vibe that most people did not like the concept of AA much at all. An example was brought up by an annoying "know-it-all" who cited an instance where a white man was denyed acceptance into an incredible medical school despite having an immaculate academic record just because the school had to comply with the Affirmative Action regulations. Supposedly, the "African American" who took his place at the school scored much lower in his academic endeavors and this created quite a stir and had (and probably still has) many believing that Affirmative Action is just discrimination in reverse.
So, as I was running some errands, I noted my sheer annoyance at the lack of parking spaces close to the building besides all the empty handicap ones (yes, I am extremely lazy!). I found myself thinking... Hey, if you really think about it, ADA accomodations such as handicap parking stalls being required EVERYWHERE is kind of like Affirmative Action!
Think about it. I am sure at some point, you have like me, been annoyed that you were not able to park close to a store you were shopping at, and wished you had a handicap sticker on your car so you could get front row seats. Am I right? (Of course I am; I am always right!) But, when was the last time (or ANY time for that matter) that you heard someone protesting about the unfairness of disabled people getting all the good parking?? Probably never.
Some white Americans take issue with Affirmative Action and claim their reasoning to be: "I do not discriminate against minorities. I was never, nor would ever be a slave owner. Discrimination is a thing of the past!" and so on and so forth. Yet, they deny and are ignorant to the reality of what it really means to live as a minority in the United States. Most handicap people haven't been afforded their status at the hand of an ordinary white American like you or I. Most of us are probably ignorant to any form of discrimination we might impose on these unfortunate poeple, but the fact of the matter is, it is o.k. for us to help them by providing them with an unfair advantage at the expense of the rest of society.
Look at how many handicap parking stalls are EMPTY the next time you go to the grocery store. There will probably be a lot. So why aren't we getting pissed about this? Because for some reason, handicap people are seen as "more deserving" than minorities. I don't remember reading anywhere in history that my anscestors monstorously created a bomb that caused many handicap people today to take on their disability, so really, I am in NO way responsible for their condition. Yet, you and I don't have a problem that they receive certain benefits that we dont. But, when we want to provide opportunities for black people (or other minorities) we raise a ruckus and say "It isn't fair!" despite the documented, disgusting mistreatment our ancestors put many of their ancestors through. AHHHH!!! White people can be so freaking ridiculous!
Now, I am not saying that I agree with Affirmative Action; In the case of the medical student, I don't believe it was fair that he busted his ass and someone of color got in with a lower g.p.a. and he was left out on the street. But that fact of the matter is, we as Americans are SO ignorant it is disgusting! Even if the guy didn't get into medical school, he will surely have many other opportunities just because he is white. The black man probably would not have been as lucky.
Obviously, ADA accomodations and Affirmative Action are not the same thing, and I would never take my argument like this to court. However, I think it somewhat does prove the point that as a society, we determine who it is ok to help out, and those who aren't as worthy of our assistance. Americans should be getting off of their lazy asses, turning off their 52" plasma screen HDTV's and reading books on these issues so they will quit circling these ridulous, prejudice beliefs from generation to generation. Or, better yet, they should go make friends with the many minorities that live all around them! I'm sure they would learn a thing or two hundred!
Well, I am freaking tired, so off to bed I go... So much for a short post, eh? I hope I don't sound too ridiculous because my sleepiness is really starting to take over.
Peace out.
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