Friday, May 20, 2011

summer reading list.

One of my favorite childhood pastimes was spending the majority of my summers spread out on the grass, curled up on the deck swing, or hidden away in the branches of my tree with a good book. There's just something about reading that speaks to me.

These days I do most of my reading snuggled up in my bed. Regardless, I have to say that I always look forward to summertime so I  can catch up on all of the pleasure reading that I've missed out on during the school year. Here's what's in store for me during the upcoming months:

 And for some more "therapeutic" books:

Whew. And those are only the books that I've bought over the last several months. There are many more on my future reading list to keep me busy next summer.

1 comment:

  1. Yay, reading lists! I might try out a few of those books you posted (both therapeutic and non). Gotta love the summer.
